Description of the transmission frame. Frame is sequence of blocks and one data stream. Each frame has defined size, sequence number and flag indicating whether this is the last frame of the transfer.<br/>MTOM is the preferred implementation to transfer binary data .<br/>A single large file can be spread over several frames. Conversely, several smaller files can be sent in a single frame. It depends on the defined maximum frame size and the maximum number of blocks (folders + files) in the frame.<br/>
Pøenášená data souborù. Implementace by mìly podporovat rozšíøení MTOM pro efektivní pøenos binárních dat.<br/><br/>Implementaèní poznámka k vytváøení XSD: <br/>If you would like to use MTOM you have to add the xmime:expectedContentTypes="application/octet-stream" attribute (namespace is predefined).<br/><br/>Odpovídající datový prvek v ISDP: CA0010<br/><br/><br/>
Values: true | false Default: false Description: Determines whether this element may contain mixed element and character content. Refer to the W3C XML Schema recommendation
Values: all | sequence | choice Default: sequence Description: Overrides the package-level default model group
Values: true | false Default: false Description: As defined by XML Schema specification